Saturday, December 19, 2009

Lomo result..

Posted by tika at 11:40 AM 0 comments
I took this pictures using LOMO disderi 3 lens on monday November 30th..

Way to office

My -crowded- office

When i was waiting for 86

Picture above ^^ because lack of light, i edit it!

not too bad.. but need improve much ^_*
i'm not going to quite this fast..

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Happy Birthday TO: My Ex. Girl FR

Posted by tika at 2:38 PM 0 comments
When I arrived office this morning, there was a plate of cookies. I thought today must be someone's birthday. And That's it, Mba Ita's 30th birhday. Before we all went to take lunch, Mba Ita received present from his ex boyfriend (Upsss.. ). A cake and flower, with written card:

Huhu.. A so-sweet husband, I think.

Anyway, Thank's mba Ita for the cake. It's delicious! ^_^v
Happy 30th birhday.. Hope your dreams will come true. And happy waiting for the first baby..

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Mas Sigit & Dini 's Wedding.. (on and after)

Posted by tika at 1:56 PM 0 comments
Last Saturday, Mas Sigit and Dini commemorated their wedding. And I attended the party with manda and his friends (Mba Fitri, Mas Ai, Mba Lyla, Udak Yudi and Jawir).

At Mas Sigit Wedding
(Left-Right: Me, Mba Lyla, Mba Fitri, Mas Sigit, Dini, Manda, Jawir, Udak, Mas Ai)

We had alot of fun that saturday. From Mas Sigit party, we, then, continued our trip to Puncak. Actually We were planned to go to see Kebun Teh. But because a traffic jamp, We decided to go to Safari Malam. Many animals live there. Thank God, I could see them. Some of them are very cute but some are scary.

At Safari Malam (L-R: Jawir, Me, Manda, Mba Fitri, Mas Ai, Mba Lyla) pictured by Udak

At Cimory Resto (dinner time.. ^_^)

and then the trip ended at Cimory Resto..
Hem.. what a trip.. Hope we will have an awsome trip again next time..

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Confuse again..

Posted by tika at 2:43 PM 0 comments
Actually, I'm not in a mood right now. I thought about what I'm going to do next related to my job, and about manda, He acts so waired today. What happen with him? If He has a problem with his job, or anything which is not related to our relation, why he doesn't want to talk to me? Okay, maybe it's privacy. And If it is about our relation? Why he keeps him self in silent mode? I don't even know what is the answer. I asked him if he was oke, he said that he was. Then, I asked again, the answer was still the same. I decide to stop asking the same question. I just hope he really okay. Whatever his problem is, God, Please take care of him.

Monday, December 07, 2009

hey gal, what are you looking for?

Posted by tika at 1:32 PM 0 comments
Today at office, while i'm busy with my work. I thought about a friend. We are friend since she came here in Jakarta. I heard a story about her today that makes my heart cries. She did something that I thought she not supposed to do. I'm wondering, what is she looking for? She is searching for an expatriate, but what for? recognition? or what? I still hope and pray for she can take care of her self and keep away from a dangerous things. God, help her. She needs you alot. If she lost her self acceptance, please let her find it in You.
I hope she will think twice to do something that will harm her life, remember her mom and dad that live far away from her and think about her own future. Most of all, she will remember You as her God and Saviour. Her life is too expensive to be lived unworthy. Help her God. Please.

Monday, November 30, 2009

eL O eM O..

Posted by tika at 12:22 PM 0 comments
After long weekend, now i must go back to reality which is back to work with many task to be done. But, anyway, i don't want to talk about my work but about the new plastic camera named LOMO disderi 3 lens (manda's cam actually.. hehe). I bring it office today.

This is it (sounds like MJ film). A cute cam i ever saw. It is like a toy but the result is unique (at least it was people said). We never know what we've got actually. oke then, i'm going to play with this gadget. Wanna have fun with my new Lomo (my??? nope.. manda's).
have a nice day everyone..

Monday, October 19, 2009

pickpocket.. AGAIN??????!!!

Posted by tika at 10:34 AM 0 comments
I've just reached office this morning, with a question "why i must deal with pickpocket this often?" this morning, when i'm in my journey to go to office, i stood (not set) on the bus. And unfortunately i was stood infront of a pickpocket. Hem, i didn't know actually, but when he act so waired, i can recognize that he is a pickpocket. His arms moved to my bag and i got him. And then, I change my position and try to stare at him.
"I got you this time pickpocket!" that was come in my mind. Thank God, nothing lost from my bag. I've ever been stolen before (at the same bus when i'm going home), and it has made me learn to much. I keep my eye open and try to detect all the waired ambience that comes around me. I promise to my self, that it will never happen again. Help me God, please guard me from pickpocket. I wont deal with one of them again.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Quote of the day..

Posted by tika at 3:21 PM 0 comments
My own quote of the day:
" Maybe i've ever done something wrong, but it doesn't mean i give up to do something better.."
Posted by tika at 2:19 PM 0 comments
ayo anet.. semangaattt.. ^^b

Monday, July 27, 2009

Bambu dan Pakis

Posted by tika at 3:28 PM 0 comments

"Bambu dan Pakis"

Suatu hari, seseorang memutuskan untuk berhenti ... berhenti dari pekerjaannya, berhenti dari hubungannya dengan sesama dan berhenti dari spiritualitasnya. Dia pergi ke hutan untuk bicara dengan Tuhan untuk yang terakhir kalinya. "Tuhan", katanya. "berikan aku satu alasan untuk tidak berhenti?"
Tuhan memberi jawaban yang mengejutkan orang itu."Lihat ke sekelilingmu", kataNya. "Apakah engkau memperhatikan tanaman pakis dan bambu yang ada dihutan ini?""Ya", jawab orang itu

Lalu Tuhan berkata, "Ketika pertama kali Aku menanam mereka, Aku menanam dan merawat benih-benih mereka dengan seksama. Aku beri mereka cahaya. Aku beri mereka air. Pakis-pakis itu tumbuh dengan sangat cepat. Warna hijaunya yang menawan menutupi tanah. Namun, tidak ada yang terjadi dari benih bambu. Tapi, Aku tidak berhenti merawatnya.

Dalam tahun kedua, pakis-pakis itu tumbuh lebih cepat dan lebih banyak lagi. Namun, tetap tidak ada yang terjadi dari benih bambu. Tetapi Aku tidak menyerah terhadapnya. "

"Dalam tahun ketiga tetap tidak ada yang tumbuh dari benih bambu itu, tapi Aku tetap tidak menyerah. Begitu juga dengan tahun ke empat. "

"Lalu pada tahun ke lima, sebuah tunas yang kecil muncul dari dalam tanah. Bandingkan dengan pakis, itu kelihatan begitu kecil dan sepertinya tidak berarti. Namun enam bulan kemudian, bambu ini tumbuh dengan mencapai ketinggian lebih dari 100 kaki. Dia membutuhkan waktu lima tahun untuk menumbuhkan akar-akarnya. Akar-akar itu membuat dia kuat dan memberikan apa yang dia butuhkan untuk bertahan. Aku tidak akan memberikan ciptaanku tantangan yang tidak bisa mereka tangani. "

"Tahukan engkau anakKu, dari semua waktu pergumulanmu, sebenarnya engkau sedang menumbuhkan akar-akarmu? Aku tidak menyerah terhadap bambu itu. Aku juga tidak akan pernah menyerah terhadapmu. "

Tuhan berkata "Jangan bandingkan dirimu dengan orang lain. Bambu-bambu itu memiliki tujuan yang berbeda dibandingkan dengan pakis. Tapi keduanya tetap membuat hutan ini menjadi lebih indah."

"Saat mu akan tiba", Tuhan mengatakan itu kepada orang itu.
"Engkau akan tumbuh sangat tinggi"
"Seberapa tinggi aku harus bertumbuh?" tanyanya.
"Sampai seberapa tinggi bambu-bambu itu dapat tumbuh?" Tuhan balik bertanya.
"Setinggi yang mereka mampu?"
orang itu bertanya "Ya."
jawabNya, "Muliakan Aku dengan pertumbuhan mu, setinggi yang engkau dapat capai."

Lalu orang itu pergi meninggalkan hutan itu, menyadari bahwa Allah tidak akan pernah menyerah terhadapnya.

Dan Dia juga tidak akan pernah menyerah terhadap Anda. Jangan pernah menyesali hidup yang saat ini Anda jalani sekalipun itu hanya untuk satu hari.
Hari-hari yang baik memberikan kebahagiaan;
Hari-hari yang kurang baik memberikan pengalaman;
Kedua-duanya memberi arti bagi kehidupan ini.

Lebih aman saat online.

Upgrade ke Internet Explorer 8 baru dan lebih cepat yang dioptimalkan untuk Yahoo! agar Anda merasa lebih aman. Gratis. Dapatkan IE8 di sini!

Tuesday, July 07, 2009


Posted by tika at 1:04 PM 0 comments
I'm puzzled by my report. I can't handle it anymore. I feel frustration with it. God, help me how to face this. I really want to go out from here. I don't know if i have courage to ask. What should I do, dear God? I need Your help. I need Your hand to guide me, where to go. Do not leave me alone like this. Help me.

Monday, July 06, 2009

What happen to me???

Posted by tika at 4:49 PM 0 comments
I'm so sleepy today. I don't know why but i'm so so so so so so sleepy..

Thursday, July 02, 2009

finally.. Thank you God.. yeeaaahhh...

Posted by tika at 5:01 PM 0 comments
Finally all my reports were done. Prior to start working today, I've made statement to finish company operation monthly report before lunch and meeting report befor 5pm. And beyond belief i did the last report long before clock shows 5pm. Yeaahh, thankyou God. And now i'm going to go home. I want to take a rest and live my life today.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

getting fed up..

Posted by tika at 11:57 AM 0 comments
I don't know why, but i'm getting fed up with my job. I can't enjoy it anymore. Feels like i'm doing the same things everyday and i don't know why i must do all that things. Besides, there is nothing to achieve, work just as gone the rounds. I want to go out from this situation. Maybe for now, i cannot go out yet from this place, so that i hope i can't go out first from this circumstance and then from this office. Nothing i can do here. I know this is not me. I can't be the real me in here. God, please help me to do the right things. Guide me to find your way.

Friday, June 12, 2009

when it comes from here..

Posted by tika at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Sesuatu yang membuat kita kadang tak dapat menyangka bahwa semuanya itu ada dan mungkin ada.. segala hal terasa terjadi begitu saja tanpa tau arah dan tujuan akhirnya akan kemana. kita pun tak akan pernah tau mengapa segala hal di dunia ini harus terjadi sebagaimana mestinya itu harus terjadi. dan serta-merta terlupakan disaat yang lain datang silih berganti di dalam kehidupan yang tidak sempurna ini. mengukir suatu kata yang tak dapat dijelaskan maknanya sama sekali membuat kadang orang2 merasa bimbang dan tak akan mampu mengerti bisikan hati yang tak tertahankan lagi. namun seandainya penterjemah itu datang, seandainya dia benar2 ada dan hadir disetiap kesempatan dimana itu perlu, maka semuanya akan terkuak. terungkap secara gamblang semua makna yang terselubung selama ini. pikiranpun terus terbang kian kemari mencari inspirasi yang dapat memecahkan semua teori2 kehampaan yang tak tentu ada jawabannya. namun semua adalah hal yang harus dilihat dari sisi yang lain, mencoba mengarti kedalamaan hati dan pikiran, dan bertanya2 haruskah itu seperti apa yang kelihatan sekarang. mencoba memancing emosi2 yang tidak akan pernah terbit sebelumnya. ahh, semuanya hanya lah egoisme semata. membuat seseorang tidak bisa melihat lebih baik tentang orang lain karena tertutup kabut dan terselubung oleh kain keegoan. hem, mungkin memang semua harus diakhiri sampai disini sebelum semua semakin tak tentu ujungnya dan pangkalnya.

Friday, May 15, 2009

wondering why..

Posted by tika at 11:49 AM 0 comments
I want to say thank you again and again to GOd.. thank You for today ^_^
Today, my 'sister' mopes at me.. :D she didn't want to talk to me about her wedding.. hihihihi
she said that i don't remember.. ooowwww... my sister, i'm so sorry.. i remember. but one thing that i didn't do was not giving you a call.. or short message.. i'm so sorry..

just want to say.. Thank God, for today.. ^_*

i love u hunn... i always love you..

Menambah banyak teman sangatlah mudah dan cepat.
Undang teman dari Hotmail, Gmail ke Yahoo! Messenger sekarang!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

i love u 'Xs' times

Posted by tika at 4:49 PM 0 comments
an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda..
an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda..
an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda..
an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda..
an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda..
an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda..
an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda..
an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda..
an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda..
an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda.. an sayang nda..

Yahoo! Mail Sekarang Lebih Cepat dan Lebih Bersih. Rasakan bedanya!

Thank God for every day in my Life..

Posted by tika at 10:19 AM 0 comments
Thank's God for this new day.. Thanks for yesterday that i can see how You really there and care.. Thank You for today that I may see again one day to watch your goodness.. Thank You for tomorrow, If You will grant it to me, and i still Thank You if that is the end of my day.. Thank You God, for every day.. teach me to be a better me as what You want me to be..

Berselancar lebih cepat.
Internet Explorer 8 yang dioptimalkan untuk Yahoo! otomatis membuka 2 halaman favorit Anda setiap kali Anda membuka browser.Dapatkan IE8 di sini! (Gratis)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

finally.. it is not a dream.. it is REAL!

Posted by tika at 3:13 PM 0 comments

ternyata hidden text dari 3 tahun yang lalu masih ada.. hemm.. benar2 romentic story ever.. i'm still amazed why this could happen to me.. but it's awsome.. Thank God, for the story.. thank You for all happened in my life.. i love You GOd.. i love manda too..

Berselancar lebih cepat.
Internet Explorer 8 yang dioptimalkan untuk Yahoo! otomatis membuka 2 halaman favorit Anda setiap kali Anda membuka browser.Dapatkan IE8 di sini! (Gratis)

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pig Syndrom...

Posted by tika at 3:35 PM 0 comments
the work hour is almost end.. but i'm so sleepy right now.. that is what people called with pig syndrom.. nothing to do at the office makes me like this.. i just don't know what to do to kick away this feeling.. aaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrgggggggghhh.. somebody help!

Friday, April 17, 2009

In the middle of my birthday..

Posted by tika at 2:27 PM 0 comments
Today is my birthday..
but i don't know why in the mids of my day..
i feel sad..
or maybe this just a feeling..
no meaning..
aaarrrggghh.. just forget that..

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

my holiday.. ups.. our holiday..

Posted by tika at 3:01 PM 0 comments
Seneng banget minggu lalu bisa berlibur 4 hari.. and here are the details:

day 1,
kamis, 8 april 2009

hem, actually i lost my right to vote this time.. sedih sih tapi yah apa boleh buat.. pokoknya nanti pilpres harus ikut nyontreng.. HARUS! hehehe.. jadi menghabiskan liburanya bareng manda.. yeee.. i always have so much fun when with him ^_^ kita liburannya dirumah aja.. nonton dorama "My boss My Hero episode 2" hehehe.. pokoknya nonton itu, tiap kali selesai pasti penasaran pengen nonton lanjutannya.. hahaha.. liburan yang ga bisa dilupain.. i still remember when he took me home.. pulangnya naik bus 46.. eh blom ada 1/4 perjalanan uda busnya mogok.. hikss.. padahal duduk.. uda gitu pas naik bus yang laen eh, berdiri.. hiks.. tapi tetap menyenangkan ^_^ terus makan es krim mint chip yang aku rasa ga ada dimana2 selain di Mall Taman Anggrek.. hehehehe.. and the day ended with a wish to make the next day more fun.. piss..

day 2,
jumat, 10 april 2009

sepertinya ga begitu ingat hari ini ngapain.. hehhehee.. tapi yang pasti aku gereja bareng manda.. secara hari ini jumat agung.. personally, aku belajar banyak hari ini.. aku diingatkan lagi bagaimana Kristus mati buat ku.. buat dosa2ku.. karena kasihNya.. that's why i should live for Him not for world.. memancarkan kasihNya ke semua orang bahkan ke segala sesuatu yang sudah Dia ciptakan..
btw, hari ini manda beliin baju cantik buatku ^_* thank's hunn for the shirt.. so beautiful.. i like it alot..

day 3,
sabtu, 11 april 2009

hehehehe.. i wear a new shirt.. and the trip begins from citra land.. makan siang di pasar senggol citra land.. hehehe.. aku ga bisa lupa waktu itu manda me'nyenggol' kursi dan gelas berisi lemon tea pun tumpah.. bener2 sesuai nama tempatnya.. pasar senggol.. so, hati2 kalo kesana.. keep on eye on the things around you.. and then perjalanan dilanjutkan ke monas.. hehehe.. untuk ke 'lantai 3' kami harus antri selama 2 jam.. dalam hati sih bilang "mudah2an ini worth it pas sampe di atas.. mudah2an ".. dan ternyata.. ga ada yang bisa di lihat di atas monas itu.. ga ada pemandangan indah ato pemandangan lain di atas sana.. cape de.. tapi tetep aja seru.. jadi ketawa2 lucu aja.. ternyata oh ternyata.. akhirnya dari situ kecapean dan lapar.. jadi akhirnya makan di kfc yang di jalan gajah mada deket Lion Air Tower.. cuci muka, ganti baju, makan dan liat2 bentar di carrefour (karena katanya ada diskon sampe 90%) terus lanjutin liburan lagi ke Kota Tua.. karana hari dah malem jadi pemandangan kota tua itu apalagi di site2 yang ga rame jadi terkesan kuno dan sangat serem.. hiiiiihhh.. tapi emang unik dan berasa kembali ke jaman2 belanda gitu (hehehehe gayanya.. kae pernah hidup dijaman belanda aja..) akhirnya the day end up with makan kerak telor..

Di Pasar Senggol Citraland

day 4,
minggu, 12 april 2009

hem.. happy sunday and happy easter.. hari ini juga ga liburan jauh, dirumah aja nonton dorama lagi lanjutin My Boss My Hero episode 3.. hehehehe.. lucu banget dan tetap masih penasaran mau nonton yang episode 4 nya.. terus gereja di duren sawit.. terus ke Slipi jaya, makan di Solaria.. hem.. nice place.. view nya bagus, makanan nya enak, lagunya enak.. mantaB de pokoknya.. hehehhe.. jalan2 keliling2 mall nya sebentar terus.. pulang deh.. hem.. what a nice haliday.. kapan yah liburan lagi.. terus, kalo liburan lagi, kemana yah???

liburan selalu emang ga bisa dilupakan.. seneng banget rasanya bisa liburan bareng manda.. He is always coloring my day.. btw, manda jadi suka nonton dorama gara2 "My Boss My Hero" hehehehe.. thank's God for the holiday.. now.. bye bye holiday and back to work.. ganbate kudasai!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

What a holiday!

Posted by tika at 1:16 PM 0 comments
Hem.. Yesterday was a holiday.. and it means fun, fun, fun.. I was going to Bogor with manda and his office friend (udak yudi and mba lyla).

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Posted by tika at 11:51 AM 0 comments
I miss my college friend.. ~_~ hiks.. hiks..
when i looked to their picture, this feeling comes out my mind.. I miss them..
I remembered when I was a university student. I miss them all.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

I am who i am..

Posted by tika at 12:49 PM 0 comments

I’m still thinking about the lunch time this afternoon. Not about what was served at a table, but the story while we were eating made me think a lot. This story was begun when a friend ask to another friend about her dating last week with her ‘rich’ boyfriend. She felt that their relationship won’t last long, because of the differences between them. Her boyfriend brought her to his house and met the family. The conversation and the family condition (maybe) made my friend not convince about her relationship. At some point of the conversation, I found that she was not honest with the family, and maybe to her self. And it really bothered me a lot. Doesn’t it set a mind at rest when we just tell the truth to everyone and to ourselves? If her boyfriend’s family don’t want to accept her as a whole her, for me it doesn’t matter. It will be better then someday they know who she really is and all her lies. After all, this stuff teaches me about how to be my self wherever I am and with whomever I talk to. It makes me remember about a quote I ever wrote on a piece of paper and stick it on my monitor. That is “Never be ashamed to tell people who you are.” Hope this will always be planted in my heart.

Monday, March 02, 2009

Get ill..

Posted by tika at 4:13 PM 0 comments

I can't stand any longer. I've got headache and cold. Difficult to sneeze makes me suffer. And the worst thing of all, I must finish company monthly report and model service weekly report. I'm really suffer right now. I can't continue this. I want to go home and take a bed rest. But it feels like the clock moves so slowly. God, help me. I can't do it anymore. I'm tizzy. Should i come office tomorrow? I hope not. I hope i can get well soon.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Dear God,

Posted by tika at 12:04 PM 0 comments
I’m still thinking about Manda’s friends. I don’t know why they are thinking negatively about me. I’m not making something wrong to them. I remembered the time when I was introduced to them. At that time, something happened. I did not handshake with Ine. I thought I knew her already (we ever met before) so that it wasn’t too important to handshake with her. But unfortunately, she was the only one that I did not handshake with. And it finally has become problem until today eventhough I’ve explained everything to her, said my sorry and she had understood enough (as she said via SMS). I thought this case was closed and not a big problem. But I was totally wrong.

I don’t know what they are thinking about me, what ‘unreal’ story they have made with their own thinking and what gossip that has spread throughout their community. And for me this is not fair. They didn’t know anything. They didn’t know the true story. I’m feeling sad and uncomfortable. Why do they act so childish? I thought in our age we should be act more like adult then like child. Why do they still ‘life in the past’? Just because Ine ever had special relationship with Manda when they were in Senior High School then this become a problem? How if that time the one that I did not handshake with is somebody else (not Ine), do this still become a ‘long-term’ problem? Just You know everything, God. And You are my defender.

I love Manda and I accept all things that he brings into our relationship not only his ethnical background, family condition, good and bad temper, but also his past including with whom he ever had a special relationship. I know that it could not be separated from him. And I also know that it is just the past. No need to be opened again. It was all over. And now we need to make boundaries with our old and new relation with man or woman because I’m not alone now, so is he. I just hope they do understand, forget the thing that ever happened because it already cleared and the important one is not to relate this with the past because for me this is fulsome. God, I hope I can be endure and wiser to face this.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A pickpocket (again????!!!???)

Posted by tika at 8:11 AM 2 comments

Remember my story before.. It titles mandaquu.. For brevity's sake, i was almost got stolen by pickpocket.. Thank God, it never happened.. and unfortunetly, today i met that guy again.. the same person.. he stole four hand phone today at a bus where i was in it (everyone around me told about it). He sat right infront of me. He looked so calm, like nothing happen, like he didn't do anything wrong. Everyone looked at him. But he ignored all the eyes that look straight to him. So cool-blood pickpocket. The anxious ambience came around me. I feel so scared. I could not even explain what i really felt that time. But he has made me keep weather eye open. I ever looked him twice, but a man sitting next to me ever met him 4 times. When i was on my way office, i thought too much about it. Why didn't anyone of the people in that bus ask him or say something to him so he could stop his action? They knew that he was a pickpocket, but why did they have no courage to tell someone in charge? I couldn't answer all that question. But one thing i could say "Thank You God.. for always guards me.."

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Posted by tika at 12:56 PM 2 comments
I want to tell everything, but I don't know where to start. It feels like killing me slowly but sure. I hope someday all this things will showed up. I don't know where to stand, who i can lean on. I really don't like this.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Posted by tika at 1:04 PM 0 comments
Dear Manda,

Sesi Curhat: Mandaqu.. tadi anet hampir aja dicopet.. wkt di P6 tadi pagi, anet kan bergelantungan (hihihi - berasa kae monyet aja) terus waktu itu busnya penuh.. tiba-tiba anet denger ada suara aneh asalnya dari tas anet.. ssrrrrrtttt.. jadi spontan aja anet memalingkan wajah ke arah sumber bunyi itu.. upss.. ga da apa-apa.. anet ngeliat ke orang sekeliling sampe pandangan anet tertuju sama seorang cowo berbaju merah yang berdiri pas samping kiri anet.. rasanya ada yang aneh ama orang itu.. tapi anet ga curiga.. anet mikirnya "oo.. mungkin pas dia balik badan, tasnya bergesekan ama tasnya anet makanya tadi kedengaran bunyi yang aneh.." sounds good kan.. anet berpikir positif.. yeee.. terus pas di slipi si cowo itu pun turun beserta dengan begitu banyak orang yang lain, dan akhirnya busnya pun udah keliatan aga kosong.. terus perhatian anet tertuju sama bapak-bapak yang duduk di deket supir. Dia nanya sama seorang perempuan yang berdiri dekat dia. "Mba, ga ada yang hilang dari tasnya?" spontan sih perempuan melihat isi tasnya.. "Ga ada, pak" terus si bapak bilang kalo tadi ada yang mau nyopet, "tuh yang pake baju merah." sambil menunjuk cowo berbaju merah yang uda turun.. dalam hati "WWhhhaaattt???" terus anet meriksa tas anet juga.. oo.. ga ada yang hilang kog.. singkat cerita, anet nyampe kantor dengan hati yang senang dan wajah yang berseri-seri karena ga terlambat.. yeee.. pas mau meletakkan tas di meja anet melihat ada yang salah sama tasnya anet.. "yaa ampuunn!!!" tasnya anet disilet.. jadi ternyata bunyi yang tadi anet dengar adalah bunyi tas yang disilet.. hikss.. hikss.. sedih.. tasnya anet rusak padahal itu tas yang dibeliin mama.. hiks.. hiks.. tapi dalam hati juga anet bilang "Thanks God! Tuhan baik" karena ga ada yang hilang.. anet jadi belajar buat lebih berhati-hati dan waspada.

Sesi ga jelas: mandaqu... kangeeennnnn...

sampe situ dulu yah cerita anet.. anet sayang manda.. anet ga apa2 kog.. baik-baik aja..


Friday, February 13, 2009


Posted by tika at 3:56 PM 0 comments
What i really want now is go out from office. I hope i can finish the task today, but i'm not sure i can. Always look at the same presentation. the more i look to it and try to understand, the more it make me crazy.. i don't understand the whole presentation. i don't know what the leader tomang really mean with his presentation. Really, Not clear.. aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............
hope this will end soon..

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

i'm stuck..

Posted by tika at 4:07 PM 0 comments
kerjaan hari ini begitu-begitu aja.. nothing special.. uda gitu skrg gi stuck.. what do i suppose to do? hope the idea will come soon.. :( hope so..

Monday, February 09, 2009

Miss ikan tude bakar..

Posted by tika at 12:00 PM 0 comments

Hari ini, kerjaan dikantor membosankan.. Ga ada yang baru hari ini..

Jadi ngantuk deh.. Enaknya ngapain yah sekarang? yah, ngeblog..

btw, aku jd ingat sabtu kmrn, wkt lagi nungguin pacarku, aku menelfon temen-temanku di manado.. I miss them alot.. Jadi ingat kita, kita suka ngumpul di rumah Dety, masak bareng, bikin kue, nonton dorama sampe Lian nangis terharu ("semoga ini tidak terjadi di kehidupan nyata.." sambil menyeka air matanya.. huehehehe), nonton 21 bareng.. paling aneh wkt kita nonton Otomatis Romantis sampe 2x.. waktu nonton pertama lucu banget.. tapi waktu nonton yang kedua kalinya.. yah... jadi biasa2 aje tuh.. tp yg ga biasa waktu nonton kedua kali, kita bw orang baru.. Hens.. hahhaha.. waktu itu dia lg pedekate ma Lian.. tapi ga jadian juga sih mereka sekarang Lian punya pacar (ngegosiiippp niiiyy... hehhehe.. Sori Lian, i just tell the truth)..

dan satu sebenernya yang paling aku rindukan.. makan ikan tude bakar di Boulevard.. hem.. enak banget.. ada cah kangkungnya.. huuuuuu... pengeeennnn...

tapi udalah.. home i'll be back home soon.. hope so ^_*

thank God, for friends like them..

thank God for the time that we spent together..

i always miss it..

Saturday, February 07, 2009

kishy weekend..

Posted by tika at 10:27 AM 2 comments
I must spend this weekend with feelings that i can not explain, what exactly it is. Drowning in my job which I don't know when it will end, but I still can not understand all the things. Truly, what is going on? I don't even know if I can hold on or should I giving up to this situation? I need it clearly explain to me. But no one wants to help. So far, I don't understand. I want to cry out load so everyone listen and let me know everything that I want to know. But, how could I? Maybe I'm unworthy to get it. Hem.. Let this feeling be mine..

Friday, February 06, 2009

it's not because silence is GOLD but it's HURT!

Posted by tika at 2:06 PM 0 comments
siapa bilang diam itu emas.. mungkin begitu.. tapi ga selalu begitu..
do u know, for me sometimes silence is hurt..
seandainya kita punya kekuatan supranatural untuk mengetahui apa yang sebenernya dirasakan seseorang yang sedang tenggelam dalam diamnya.. kita mungkin akan lebih mengerti..
tapi kita tak pernah tau kalo kita tak pernah bicara.. speak up!
kecuali kalo kita tak pernah ingin memberi kesempatan seseorang untuk bicara..

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