I’m still thinking about the lunch time this afternoon. Not about what was served at a table, but the story while we were eating made me think a lot. This story was begun when a friend ask to another friend about her dating last week with her ‘rich’ boyfriend. She felt that their relationship won’t last long, because of the differences between them. Her boyfriend brought her to his house and met the family. The conversation and the family condition (maybe) made my friend not convince about her relationship. At some point of the conversation, I found that she was not honest with the family, and maybe to her self. And it really bothered me a lot. Doesn’t it set a mind at rest when we just tell the truth to everyone and to ourselves? If her boyfriend’s family don’t want to accept her as a whole her, for me it doesn’t matter. It will be better then someday they know who she really is and all her lies. After all, this stuff teaches me about how to be my self wherever I am and with whomever I talk to. It makes me remember about a quote I ever wrote on a piece of paper and stick it on my monitor. That is “Never be ashamed to tell people who you are.” Hope this will always be planted in my heart.
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