Remember my story before.. It titles mandaquu.. For brevity's sake, i was almost got stolen by pickpocket.. Thank God, it never happened.. and unfortunetly, today i met that guy again.. the same person.. he stole four hand phone today at a bus where i was in it (everyone around me told about it). He sat right infront of me. He looked so calm, like nothing happen, like he didn't do anything wrong. Everyone looked at him. But he ignored all the eyes that look straight to him. So cool-blood pickpocket. The anxious ambience came around me. I feel so scared. I could not even explain what i really felt that time. But he has made me keep weather eye open. I ever looked him twice, but a man sitting next to me ever met him 4 times. When i was on my way office, i thought too much about it. Why didn't anyone of the people in that bus ask him or say something to him so he could stop his action? They knew that he was a pickpocket, but why did they have no courage to tell someone in charge? I couldn't answer all that question. But one thing i could say "Thank You God.. for always guards me.."
2 comments on "A pickpocket (again????!!!???)"
I had my hand phone stolen in a similar way. The thief sat beside me on Manila's MRT train. He picked my phone out of my pocket, gave his seat to a lady at the next station, then went to the next carriage. Having lost himself in the crowd, I could not do anything about it.
I met a friend at the end of my journey. He phoned my handphone and talked to the thief when I told him what happen. But the thief sounded so threatening that my friend advised me to just let the phone go.
Demikian kelakuan orang-orang jahat.
Tantu noh.., klo dong balapor ato babatanya padia depe besok dia deng depe tamang2 somo dola tu bis kong dong mo pukul..., klo kwa di manado kita brani, mar salah2 di jakarta noh... wkwkwkwkwkwkkw :P
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